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Most Americans do not have Wills. We have discussed the problems with this before on this blog, but it is a subject that is always worth revisiting. If we did not think it was important for people to have estate plans, then we would not do what we do as estate planning attorneys.

However, we can only discuss the many reasons why you should have an estate plan so often. If you are reading this, then by now you know what many of those reasons are and you have heard them many times before. The real question is, if you know the reasons why you should have an estate plan, what is it that is stopping you from taking the next step and getting one?

The answer to that question will be different for different people. For some people it is time. For others it is the perceived expense of estate planning. Some people do not really want to think about their own mortality. It is important to think about why you have not yet gotten estate plan. What is your reason? If we know your reason, only then can we really help you understand how to overcome the problem and move forward with an estate plan.

If you would like to discuss why you do not have an estate plan, we would love to hear from you. We would like to talk about your reasons for not having one so that we can address them with you one on one.

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