Pet Trusts

If you are concerned about what will happen to your pets after you pass away, you have several options to provide for their care. All of the options have their benefits and drawbacks, but most people can find one that suits their needs.

The traditional option is to provide for your pets’ care in a Will. You bequeath your pets to someone else the same as you do with your other assets. The drawback is that the person must be willing to take care of your pets and you do not have a say in whether or not that will happen. However, this is the simplest option.

Another option is to create a Pet Trust. This allows you to set aside money for the care and support of your pets. However, it also requires that someone be willing to take care of the pets.

Another option is to leave your pet with a no-kill shelter. Many shelters will agree to take care of your pets for the duration of their natural lives if you make a donation to the shelter of a certain level. However, living in a shelter may not be as pleasurable for your pets as living with another person.

Ask your estate planning attorney about the options available for your pets

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