Power of Attorney

Getting a General Durable Power of Attorney is one of the most important things that you can do as part of your overall estate plan. You should consider the possibility that you might be incapacitated and unable to look after your own interests in the latter years of your life. If you do not plan ahead, then someone else will have to go to court and ask for guardianship over you to protect your interests.

If you think that having a relative asking a court for guardianship is not that big of deal, a recent case illustrates the problem with that approach. Sometimes, your relatives might not agree about all aspects of the guardianship and who should be the guardian. Usually, that argument is left in court, which can be bad enough. In the case of the Fox family, the disagreement resulted in a 63 year old high school counselor punching his 74 year old uncle after a court hearing.

Fortunately, not every family feud over guardianship will end up in criminal charges. However, any family disagreement over the issue is unnecessary and avoidable. All that you need to do is have an attorney prepare a General Durable Power of Attorney so that everyone knows who you want to look after your interests when you are no longer able to do so.

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