After you set up a Revocable Living Trust, one of the first things that you do is to transfer your other assets into the Trust. Most people will try to make sure that everything they have when they pass away will transfer through the Trust to the beneficia

Revocable Living Trusts

After you set up a Revocable Living Trust, one of the first things that you do is to transfer your other assets into the Trust. Most people will try to make sure that everything they have when they pass away will transfer through the Trust to the beneficiaries. However, it is not always a good idea to do that. It depends what you are trying to transfer through the Trust.

For example, if you have an IRA, you can name the Trust as a the beneficiary. By doing that, the money in the IRA will be handled according to the terms of the Trust. However, if you name a person as your IRA beneficiary, then that person can keep the IRA open and continue to take advantage of the tax benefits. A Trust cannot do that as an IRA requires the owner to be a person with a life expectancy in order to take advantage of the tax benefits.

Most assets should be transferred into a Revocable Living Trust. Exercise caution, however, and make sure that you are not losing other important benefits with some instruments. Ask you estate planning attorney if you have questions about your Revocable Living Trust and transferring your assets into it.

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