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If you go online you can find instructions on how to do various things. In many cases you have to pay a premium price to obtain this information, and who knows how accurate or useful it may be?

That having been stated there are websites out there that sell do-it-yourself estate planning documents like living trusts and simple wills.

Is it wise to arrange for the transfer of everything you have earned throughout your life to your loved ones using a worksheet or download that you found on the Internet?

The magazine Consumer Reports tackled this subject last year. They came away advising against do-it-yourself estate planning for a number of different reasons.

One of the problems with DIY estate planning notions is the fact that you may choose a last will or living trust when in fact a different legal device may have been better for you given your unique circumstances. In addition to this, there are other things to consider when you are planning your estate.

These would include making preparations for possible incapacity as an elder. Preparing for potential long-term care costs is another consideration.

If you’re interested in gaining an in-depth understanding of the dangers of DIY estate planning we can help. Our firm is offering a free special report that explains everything in detail.

Take a moment to download this report and review it at your convenience. Arranging for asset transfers to your loved ones after you pass away is a serious matter, and you should not take it lightly.

To download the report, click here: DIY Estate Planning Dangers.

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