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Instead of choosing an assisted living or long term care facility, many families decide to share caregiver responsibilities in order to help out a loved one with his or her needs at home. It can be extremely frustrating and stressful serving as a caregiver.

Take a look at some of the tips below for advice on how to be a good caregiver. If you’d like to discuss assisted living and long term care or caregiver options, meet with an elder law attorney.

  • Ask for help. It’s important to share the responsibilities of being a caregiver. With the support of family and friends, you can help to care for your loved one more easily. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance!
  • Give yourself breaks. It’s important to remember to take care of yourself. You won’t be able to handle your caregiver responsibilities well if you’re stressed out all of the time. Schedule breaks in your day to focus on yourself.
  • Allow your loved one to handle some tasks on his or her own. Your loved one may still be able to handle some things independently. This will allow your loved one to feel as if he or she is able to do some things independently. This also includes allowing your loved one to make some decisions.
  • Join a support group. There are many caregiver support groups. You can seek the advice and support of other caregivers. You can also learn new ways to handle your many responsibilities.
  • Be involved in your loved one’s health. It’s a good idea to ask your loved one’s doctor about care advice. Learning about a specific illness or disease can help you assist your loved one more easily.

If you have additional questions about serving as a caregiver or if you need long term care advice, consult with a qualified estate planning attorney.

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