Writing an Ethical Will – Bequeathing Who You Are and What You Stand For

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Most people going through the estate planning process focus on their assets and who will receive the inheritance. However, what if you want to leave more behind for your children and grandchildren than physical items? In an ethical will, you can relay the life lessons you’ve learned and give the gift of family memories for future generations to enjoy after you’re gone.

Our talented legal team can help create an ethical will that is meaningful for you and your loved ones. We will listen closely to your stories, goals, and wishes to help you create the perfect ethical will. Call today to get started at (516)-928-6594.

What Is an Ethical Will?

An ethical will is like leaving behind your personal story for your family members to cherish. It may include photographs, recipes, objects of personal value, stories, and life lessons. Ethical wills may also explain why you made certain decisions in your last will and testament, including who received what from your inheritance.

An ethical will can be comforting both to the person who created it and to the family members who receive it after they have passed. Contact our talented legal team for more information on how to craft the right ethical will for your loved ones.

How Do You Write an Ethical Will?

Making an ethical will can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. With the help of a talented estate planning attorney, you can get started whenever you are ready. Your lawyer may ask questions to prompt deep thinking about your life experiences.

Some questions you might ask yourself when making an ethical will are:

  • What are some of your happiest moments?
  • What are some challenges you have overcome?
  • What would you like your descendants to know about lessons you’ve learned?
  • What are some hopes you have for your children and future generations?
  • What stories would you like to have passed on to your family?

Should You Hire Our Ethical Will Attorneys?

Creating an ethical will can take tenderness and care. If you think an ethical will would benefit your loved ones after you pass on, please reach out to us for help. We can offer guidance and counsel on how to make the right ethical will for your family members.

At our law firm, we listen carefully and compassionately to our clients’ wishes and needs so we can craft an estate plan that matches their goals. Call us today to get the personalized attention and care you deserve. Call (516)-928-6594 to schedule your assessment today!

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